Actress Moon Chae-Won's 'Eyebrow Catastrophe'

Jul 3, 2017

Actress Moon Chae-Won's 'Eyebrow Catastrophe'
Actress Moon Chae-Won's changed look has appalled many fans.

On June 27th in an online community, there was a posting titled "Moon Chae-Won's Eyebrow Catastrophe".

In the post, the writer included Actress Moon Chae-Won's picture when she attended the 'Anarchist from Colony VIP Preview' on June 19th.

In the picture, Actress Moon had thick and straight shaped eyebrows--which is completely different from how fans remember her. 문채원 눈썹 대참사Before, Actress Moon had thin arch shaped eyebrows which made her look more elegant and feminine that her fans always complimented for her beautiful eye brows.

So, after Actress Moon's new look was seen by her fans, they began to send complain to Actress Moon's make-up artist regarding her new eye brow shape.

According to the writer who wrote "Moon Chae-Won's Eyebrow Catastrphe", Actress Moon's fans were shocked by her different look, but soon they found out that Actress Moon has done semi-eyebrow tattoo. 
문채원 눈썹 대참사Then the writer continued, "The place where Actress Moon got her eyebrows done, they posted a picture which had Actress Moon's signature on it. Actress probably got her new eyebrows tattooed in last March". 
문채원 눈썹 대참사Lastly the writer showed concern for Actress Moon, "For anyone who gets semi-permanent eyebrows tattoo done they usually have to wait about one year or so to change the shape. So I am afraid that Actress Moon might have to keep her thick eyebrows until she can change the shape."
Recently, Actress Moon Chae-Won made a comeback on tvN's drama called "Criminal Minds". 

(Source = Online Community )

(SBS Star)