"I call her 'jagiya'", Song Joong-ki's First Public Appearance

Jul 12, 2017

"I call her 'jagiya'", Song Joong-ki's First Public Appearance

Actor Song Joong-ki appeared at SBS 'Han Bam' and talked about his bride Song Hye-kyo.
On July 11th, SBS 'Han Bam' aired the exclusive interview with Song Joong-ki.
Despite it was Song Joong-ki's first interview after the wedding announcement, he stood confidently in front of reporters without any hesitation.
As interview began, the very first thing Song Joong-ki did was "I am so sorry to make you wait so long in the rain, but thank you and sorry in advance." to the reporters and proved his good moral.
Then he continued, "Since it's my first time doing an interview like this, I am nervous. But since it(wedding announcement) is a good news I hope my fans to congratulate us."
Reporter asked him a question "Did Song Hye-kyo say anything to you before you got here?"
Actor Song replied, "Since it's a movie premiere, she told me not to get nervous and do well."
Then he also frankly responded to a question "How do you call Song Hye-kyo?" as well.  

"We are no different from other couples, I call her 'jagiya(honey in Korean)', but I am going to be careful with her nickname after the marriage."
Furthermore, actor Song told reporters about his bride, "She is very calm and thoughtful. She gives me positive energy all the time."

He concluded the interview with, "I know there are some fans that worry and congratulate me about my upcoming life event. I am sincerely thankful for those who support me. Also my soon-to-be wife and I promised to look around and hope to do many good deeds in the future. We hope to become a couple who give out positive influence to our society."
Meanwhile, it was reported that Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo plans to get married in October 31st.  

(Credit = 'kyo1122' Instagram, 'SBS Han Bam')

(SBS Star)