George Clooney Gives-out $1M to 14 of His Best Friends

Dec 14, 2017

George Clooney Gives-out $1M to 14 of His Best Friends
The Hollywood star George Clooney reportedly gave out $1 million dollars to 14 of his best friends! 

On December 13, America's entertainment news company E! News reported about a businessman and longtime friend of George Clooney named Rande Gerber's interview with MSNBC's 'Headliners' of how the actor gave out 1 million dollars to 14 of his friends and even paid their taxes.

It was reported that Rande Gerber and the actor are close friends who also co-founded Casamigos Tequila Company.

Gerber recalled his memory from 2013 and said, "There's a group of guys that we call 'The Boys'. George had called me and 'The Boys' and said, 'Hey, mark September 27, 2013, on your calendar. Everyone's going to come to my house for dinner."
[SBS Star] Geroge Clooney Gives-out $1M to His Best FriendsWhen the actor's 14 best friends arrived, they found black suitcases around the table. 

Then the actor Clooney said to his friends that "Listen, I want you guys to know how much you've meant to me and how much you mean to me in my life." and began to thank them.

Clooney continued, "I'm so fortunate in my life to have all of you and I couldn't be where I am today without all of you. So it was really important to me that while we're still all here together, that I give back. So I want you all to open your suitcases."
[SBS Star] Geroge Clooney Gives-out $1M to His Best FriendsWhen they opened the black suitcases, they each found 1 million dollars in 20 dollar bills. 

Thus in total, Clooney had given 14 million dollars in total. 

After seeing his friends' surprised reaction, Clooney added, "I know we've all been through some hard times, some of you are still going through it. You don't have to worry about your kids, you don't have to worry about paying your mortgage." 

Then Gerber revealed that when the actor had a hard time, him and 'The Boys' helped him, and now the actor is helping them. 

He also said how he donated all of Clooney's generous gift to a non-profit organization. 

Clooney's kind act is under spotlight lately. He recently showed generosity to the public by handing out noise canceling headphones as his two six-month-old twins cried while they were on the airplane.

(Credit = IMDb)

(SBS Star)