Park Hae Jin Says, "I Think I Would Make a Good Husband."

Mar 2, 2018

Park Hae Jin Says, "I Think I Would Make a Good Husband."
Korean actor Park Hae Jin talked about his character in his upcoming film 'Cheese in the Trap', and shared his views on his love life.

On February 28, HIGH CUT magazine released photos of Park Hae Jin on their social media account.

In the photos, Park Hae Jin poses with untidy hair and comfortable clothing in a home-like background.

The mood is set to look vintage as if traveling back to the '90s.

Park Hae Jin
After participating in the photo shoot, Park Hae Jin sat down for an interview with the magazine.

During the interview, the actor discussed his character 'Yoo Jung' in the movie 'Cheese in the Trap'.

He said, "My character 'Yoo Jung' in the movie is a little different from the drama version. In the drama, 'Yoo Jung' is depicted as 'weird' from the beginning, but he is rather normal in the movie except how he acts towards the female main character 'Hong Seol'. He sort of hides himself from her."

Park Hae JinPark Hae Jin
After discussing his role in the new movie, Park Hae Jin was asked if he was attracted to someone who was similar or different to him.

He answered with a laugh, "I'm okay with either, really. That doesn't matter to me at all. I don't know how the other person will feel about it though."

The actor talked about one thing that he considered as his flaw, "I'm the kind of person who cleans up right away, but a lot of people don't seem to be so fond of that side of me. For instance, I would try to wash my dishes as soon as I'm done eating. When people see me doing that, they ask me why I'm being so impatient and trying to do the dishes while I still have food in my mouth."

He added, "Although I may not be great as a boyfriend, I feel like I would make a good husband."

Park Hae Jin
Meanwhile, 'Cheese in the Trap' starring Park Hae Jin is set to be released in theaters on March 14.

▶ [SBS Star] 'Cheese in the Trap' the Movie to Release in Theaters

(Lee Narin, Credit= '' Facebook) 

(SBS Star)