A Perfect Human Being Park Bo Gum Has a Flaw?

Mar 14, 2018

A Perfect Human Being Park Bo Gum Has a Flaw?
No one can deny that Korean actor Park Bo Gum seem flawless in every way with his outstanding facial features, perfect body ratio, charming smile, kind personality, and so on.

It sure does not sound like an easy task to find Park Bo Gum's flaw, but after a long dig up, fans managed to discover an area that he is not perfect at, and it is driving.Park Bo GumFans were able to find out about this through an episode on JTBC's variety show 'Youth Over Flowers in Africa' aired on March 4, 2016.

On this episode, four members of the show―Park Bo Gum, Ryu Jun Yeol, Ko Kyoung Pyo, and Ahn Jae Hong were seen leaving their accommodation, and Park Bo Gum was asked to drive.

Right after getting onto the driver's seat, Park Bo Gum already looked confused and struggled with the gearshift.

With the help of Ryu Jun Yeol, he was able to start the car.Park Bo GumHowever, only about three seconds after Park Bo Gum started driving, everyone jumped off their seats as the car suddenly came to a stop with a loud noise.Park Bo GumPark Bo GumOnce they got out of the car, they found out that Park Bo Gum drove into a wall, and broken the tail light of the car.

Park Bo Gum, embarrassed from his unskillful driving skills, shyly hid from the camera behind Ryu Jun Yeol.Park Bo GumBefore fans knew about his driving skills, they all thought he was simply perfect in every single way.

This captured moment was like a reconfirmation to his fans that Park Bo Gum was just like everyone else on this planet with a flaw after all.
Park Bo Gum(Lee Narin, Credit= JTBC Youth Over Flowers in Africa, 'blossoment' Facebook)

(SBS Star)