Seo Kang-jun Captivates Fans' Hearts with His Gorgeous Looks

May 17, 2018

Seo Kang-jun Captivates Fans' Hearts with His Gorgeous Looks
Korean actor Seo Kang-jun talked about his characters in his upcoming drama 'Are You Human Too?' as well as what he generally does on his day off.

On May 17, a magazine 'HIGH CUT' unveiled some cover photos of Seo Kang-jun.

In the photos, Seo Kang-jun flaunts his cute charms with casually styled clothes.

His soft gaze and unrealistic facial features are making his fans' hearts flutter.Seo Kang-junAfter the photo shoot, Seo Kang-jun sat down for an interview with the magazine.

During the interview, Seo Kang-jun mentioned about the two different roles as a robot 'Nam Shin III' and human being 'Nam Shin' he played in KBS2's pre-filmed drama 'Are You Human Too?'.Seo Kang-junThe actor said, "Nam Shin III is sort of like a newborn baby. He experiences everything for the first time, and the only things he knows are information that he learned online."

He added, "Being almost human, 'Nam Shin III' can actually feel different emotions, which makes him confused. He even says things like this in the drama, 'So... Is this the feeling called love that all humans talk about?'."Seo Kang-junAfter discussing his roles in the drama, the topic moved on to the two cats that he lives with.

Seo Kang-jun said, "I usually spend time with my cats at home when I don't work. A lot of people say that it is easy to take care of cats as you don't have to do much for them, but that is certainly not the case."

He continued, "You have to constantly give them love and interact with them, because they feel lonely, too."Seo Kang-junThen, Seo Kang-jun revealed that he even groomed his cats all by himself a while ago.

He laughed and said, "I would rate myself 80 out of 100 as a cat owner."

Meanwhile, Seo Kang-jun's new drama 'Are You Human Too?' is scheduled to air its first episode on June 4.

(Lee Narin, Credit= 'highcutstar' Instagram)

(SBS Star)