On October 20 episode of tvN 'Amazing Saturday', MINHO mentioned how tough it is for him to stay next to KEY sometimes.

When asked why, MINHO said, "When we promote together as a group, I'm almost always next to KEY. Whenever he is next to me though, he just doesn't stop nagging."

After listening to MINHO, the cast members nodded their head in agreement while KEY simply laughed.

MINHO answered, "Yes, but it's mainly because of KEY. Whenever KEY watches the show, he laughs so loudly. So, I end up going up to him, as I want to know what he is watching."

MINHO replied, "Actually, I'm really bad at memorizing lyrics. Even for our songs, I only memorize my part."
He then complimented KEY by saying, "But KEY is different. KEY memorizes all parts of our songs, including parts of other members. On top of that, he memorizes the lyrics of our Japanese songs from the start until the end as well."

(Lee Narin, Credit= tvN Amazing Saturday)
(SBS Star)