Park Bo Young Wows the Audience with Her Gorgeous New Hairstyle
Oct 29, 2018
Actress Park Bo Young stole the spotlight of '2018 The Seoul Awards' with her new haircut.
On October 27, '2018 The Seoul Awards' took place at Kyung Hee University's Grand Peace Hall, Seoul. Park Bo Young attended the event as an award presenter, and mesmerized the entire audience with her completely different look.
Unlike her signature brunette, wavy long hair, Park Bo Young cut her hair short and dyed in black which perfectly ooze out elegant yet chic aura. After watching her new style, fans commented, "Our Bbovely (Park Bo Young's nickname, Bo Young + lovely) is a mature woman now.", "Can't believe she's turning 30 next year!", and more. Meanwhile, Park Bo Young is currently taking a break after her latest film 'On Your Wedding Day' last August.
(Credit= 2018 The Seoul Awards, Online Community, 'falcon1004' Twitter)