Kang Daniel of K-pop boy group Wanna One made large donation on his birthday to help those in need.
On December 10, Kang Daniel donated 12.1 million won to MIRAL Welfare Foundation in celebration of his 22nd birthday.
MIRAL Welfare Foundation revealed that Kang Daniel expressed his hope that his donation would be used to help disabled children, single seniors, and such people in need.Since his debut, Kang Daniel has shown his interest in making the world a better place by participating in a campaign such as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and more.
In addition to that, Kang Daniel told one fan at a fan signing event in June that it would be great if his fans made donation when the fan asked, "What would you like for your birthday?" Kang Daniel's kind thoughts had successfully delivered to fans, and his fans also took part in making the world better.
Not only they chipped their money in to make donation to animal shelters, different welfare centers, Kang Daniel's past school, but they also have recently went out to deliver 4,500 coal briquettes to homes in Incheon.
Kang Daniel and his fans' good deeds are warming the hearts of many people in this cold winter.Meanwhile, Kang Daniel's group Wanna One wrapped up the promotion with its very last album '1¹¹=1 (POWER OF DESTINY)' yesterday.
(Lee Narin, Credit= 'WannaOne.official' Facebook)
(SBS Star)
Kang Daniel Makes Multi-million Won Donation in Celebration of His Birthday
Dec 10, 2018