HYELIN & DARA Tell What K-pop Idol Couples Secretly Do in Front of Fans

Jan 23, 2019

HYELIN & DARA Tell What K-pop Idol Couples Secretly Do in Front of Fans
HYELIN of girl group EXID and DARA of disbanded girl group 2NE1 revealed there are certain things that K-pop group members do in front of fans when they are secretly dating each other.

On January 22 episode of MBC every1's talk show 'Video Star', HYELIN and DARA gave away some interesting stories of how K-pop idol couples express their love for one another when there are tons of fans around them.HYELINHYELIN said, "You know MBC's special holiday television show 'The Idol Star Athletics Championships', right? I always sense something there, especially during opening and closing ceremony when all K-pop groups gather together at one place."Video StarShe continued, "Couples would most likely to secretly exchange looks, and some of them would even go as far as purposely brushing the tip of their fingers against their boyfriend/girlfriend's body while passing by."

When asked if she could spot many couples doing that, HYELIN answered, "Yes, there were lots. I could see quite a lot of them doing that kind of things."HYELINAfter HYELIN was done telling her story, DARA said, "I have never participated in 'The Idol Star Athletics Championships', but I think it's pretty much the same at music shows, annual music festivals, and awards ceremonies."DARAThen, DARA opened up her own story, "I used to take a glance at him a lot when all K-pop groups were asked to stand together on stage. I couldn't help myself but to keep looking at him."

She went on, "Once, we couldn't go on a date on Christmas, because we both had to perform on that day. We would just politely greet each other, but would follow each other's eyes."DARAPreviously, many other K-pop group members have mentioned that recordings like 'The Idol Star Athletics Championships' where all popular K-pop groups gather make the perfect environment to start a new relationship or spend time with their lovers.

(Lee Narin, Credit= MBC every1 Video Star)   

(SBS Star)