Kang Daniel Appoints Another Law Firm for His Dispute with Agency

Mar 14, 2019

Kang Daniel Appoints Another Law Firm for His Dispute with Agency
Kang Daniel of disbanded K-pop project group Wanna One has chosen his legal representative for the ongoing dispute against his agency.

According to SBS funE's report on March 14, Kang Daniel has appointed law firm Yulchon as his legal representative.

Kang Daniel reportedly requested the law firm to represent him in the legal battle against his management agency, LM Entertainment.
Kang DanielLawyer Yeom Young-pyo, who is in charge of the case, stated, "Kang Daniel is extremely apologetic to fans about the situation, and he is showing his intent to conclude the dispute as quickly as possible so that he can return to fans."

The lawyer added, "We will try our best to settle the ongoing conflict in a timely manner."
Kang DanielEarlier this month, it was revealed that Kang Daniel sent a certification of contents to LM Entertainment, requesting to make changes in his exclusive contract.

He personally addressed the issue through a letter on his fan community, saying, "I have given a lot of thought to this decision, and I would like to tell you that it was made solely for myself and you."

(Credit= Baik Seung-chul/SBS funE)

(SBS Star)