'Burning Sun' Employee 'Anna' Tests Positive for Illicit Drugs

Mar 20, 2019

'Burning Sun' Employee 'Anna' Tests Positive for Illicit Drugs
The woman known as 'Anna', a Chinese MD (promoter) of the club 'Burning Sun', tested positive for multiple drugs.

On March 19, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency confirmed that traces of illegal drugs were found in the MD's hair.
버닝썬 마약공급 의혹 중국인 애나 경찰 출석 (사진=연합뉴스)Her hair and urine were tested for drugs by the police agency's narcotics unit and the results from her hair came positive for ecstasy and ketamine.
버닝썬According to police, 'Anna' testified that some Chinese customers brought the drugs into 'Burning Sun', and that the drugs were not distributed by the club to its VIP customers.

The police will extend the probe to investigate the scale of the Chinese customers who used drugs with 'Anna', and if other club employees knew about the suspicion of drug trafficking.
마약 투약 버닝썬 직원 구속(뉴스브리핑 주요뉴스 DLP)'Anna' will go through another round of questioning where the police will investigate from whom and how exactly she obtained drugs.

(Credit= Yonhap News Agency)

(SBS Star)