Identity of SEUNGRI's Investor 'Madam Lin' Gets Unveiled

Apr 3, 2019

Identity of SEUNGRI's Investor 'Madam Lin' Gets Unveiled
SEUNGRI's Taiwanese investor 'Madam Lin' has been revealed to be an extremely wealthy woman who is the wife of a sports gambling website's founder based in Taiwan.
Madam Lin, SEUNGRIAccording to several Taiwanese news outlets' report on April 3, 'Madam Lin' began a gambling business in early '90s after opening a casino in Taichung, western city of Taiwan in 1993.

She expanded her business by creating a live broadcasting system that allows gamblers to make bets online for casinos in Las Vegas and the Philippines.
Madam Lin, SEUNGRI'Madam Lin' is reportedly a legendary figure among the social circles of Taiwan, who is a VVIP customer of multiple luxury brands.
Madam Lin, SEUNGRIMadam Lin, SEUNGRIMeanwhile, 'Madam Lin' was accused of money laundering through SEUNGRI's club 'Burning Sun'.

She reportedly moved back to Taiwan after a series of 'Burning Sun' scandal broke and her flow of funds in relation to the club being investigated.

(Credit= SBS Unanswered Questions, Yonhap News Agency, SBS funE, Online Community)

(SBS Star)