K-pop artists who initially made debut as girl group members―DARA, Park Bom (2NE1), Yubin (Wonder Girls), JENYER (4minute), and Song Jieun (Secret)―shared stories on secret dating lives of idol stars.
On July 2 episode of MBC every1's 'Video Star', DARA, Park Bom, Yubin, JENYER, and Song Jieun discussed their previous dating stories and how idols flirt with each other.
When asked how celebrities ask each other out, Song Jieun said, "I heard that they tell their stylists that they're interested in someone and ask them to deliver the message."
JENYER added, "I heard that they ask people in the entertainment industry to match them up."
Yubin shared, "They find out each other's number and send a text message like, 'I'm your fan. I cheer you on. I hope we can get to know each other more.'"
Park Bom said, "They speak to each other backstage when they meet for the same broadcast, such as music shows. They casually ask for their phone number and later reach to the person they have interests in."
As for the actual dates, JENYER revealed, "There are cafes where there aren't many people. They're usually in Cheongdam-dong and Nonhyun-dong neighborhood."
DARA explained, "It's different for celebrities as you work longer in the industry. If one person has a car, they pick you up and enjoy a drive date. If they live alone outside their group's dorm, they visit each other's house."
She continued, "I heard that they would even go on a hike at midnight when no one else would be around. They buy some fried chicken, hike up the trail, get drenched in sweat in a hot summer night."
JENYER shared, "There is a place near the vending machine in the backstage area of music shows. There are people there who are brave. I saw some couples while on my way to the restroom."
DARA added that the biggest meeting point was right before all the artists went up on stage for the announcement of the weekly winner during music shows.
According to her, many idol stars would send each other signals with eye contact and smiles.
(Credit= MBC every1 Video Star)
Former Girl Group Members Reveal Secret Methods Idol Couples Use While Dating
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