On July 8, a hashtag '#스타쉽_해명해' (STARSHIP Explain) trended on Twitter after fans of MONSTA X have found a staff member allegedly speaking rudely to MONSTA X members.

팬들이 보는 영상에서 저런식의 말을 하는데 과연 몬스타엑스한테만 이런식으로 얘기를 할까요? 스타쉽 분들은 이 영상을 봐도 깨달음이 없으시다면 DM주세요^^ 제가 하나하나 뭘 잘못했는지 말해드릴게요. 얼마나 혼났으면 이름 불리자마자 뒷짐지고 서있어요 애가^^ #스타쉽_해명해 @STARSHIPent pic.twitter.com/oujg4k1XW8
— 둥둥???? (@januaryx26) 2019년 7월 7일
As a lot of fans demanded an explanation from the agency, STARSHIP Entertainment issued an announcement on MONSTA X's official fan community along with the full, unedited videos of the VCR.

The agency continued, "We sincerely apologize to fans who have been hurt by the lack of attention of such problems. We promise to continue doing our best so that all artists and employees can work together well. Thank you."
(Credit= 'OfficialMonstaX' 'januaryx26' Twitter)
(SBS Star)