▲ File photo (LEFT)
Following news reports about actor Kang Ji Hwan being arrested on charges of sexual assault, one of the victims has provided testimony that she witnessed Kang Ji Hwan on scene, sexually assaulting another victim.
On July 10, police secured a testimony from 'B', one of the two victims of the case, that she witnessed Kang Ji Hwan attempting to sexually assault the other victim 'A' while they were asleep in a room in Kang's home.

'B' also told police that her clothes were in a severe disarray, leading her to believe that she also had suffered a similar situation.
'A' is also said to have given her testimony based on what she remembers, and no parts in the testimonies given by the two victims are in disagreement.
Before heading to the police station, both 'A' and 'B' visited Seoul Sunflower Center, the organization that provides assistance to victims of sexual violence, to undergo examinations.
The test results will be released in approximately one week.

▶ [SBS Star] Actor Kang Ji Hwan Arrested for Sexually Assaulting 2 Agency Staff Members
Kang Ji Hwan's management agency Huayibrothers Entertainment later clarified initial news reports that 'A' and 'B' work for an outsourced company, not for the agency.
(Credit= Yonhap News Agency, 'kangjihwan2018' Instagram)
(SBS Star)