Kim Woo Bin Launches His Personal Instagram Account? Agency Responds

Sep 10, 2019

Kim Woo Bin Launches His Personal Instagram Account? Agency Responds
Actor Kim Woo Bin has reportedly started a personal Instagram account, but his agency denied the news.

According to news reports on September 9, Kim Woo Bin launched his personal Instagram account.

As a new post, two new photos of Kim Woo Bin were updated on the account with an emoji caption.
Kim Woo BinReports claimed that this may be a sign that Kim Woo Bin was gearing up for a comeback after taking a long hiatus since 2017 after he was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer.
Kim Woo BinIn response to the reports, however, his agency sidusHQ quickly denied that the account belonged to Kim Woo Bin himself.

The agency stated, "Kim Woo Bin does not run a personal social media account. The uploaded photos were taken a long time ago."
Kim Woo BinMeanwhile, sidusHQ firmly stated that Kim Woo Bin has no plans of comeback in order to solely focus on his recovery.

(Credit= 'kimwoob1607' Instagram, SBS funE)

(SBS Star)