On September 18, IU welcomed her 11th debut anniversary.
At 12AM KST, IU's management agency shared an image on IU's Twitter with a message thanking UAENA (the name of IU's fandom).
The message said, "Thank you for your endless love and support for IU, UAENA. We hope you will keep walking hand in hand with IU."

The video showed the members of IU's staff surprising IU with a candle-lit chocolate cake.
They sang a celebration song while delivering the cake to her and asked her to make a wish.
IU covered her face in surprise and commented, "When did you guys prepare this? I had no idea! This is so nice of you guys. Thank you."

It seemed like her staff's unexpected celebration party made IU quite emotional, because she was seen wiping her eyes several times.
Along with the video, IU wrote, "Why does it feel like déjà vu? In this video, everything looks exactly the same as my last anniversary except for our clothes. Anyway, thank you 'Team IU'! Love you, UAENA!"
Meanwhile, IU is planning to celebrate her 11th debut anniversary with UAENA at a special fan meeting 'PLAY, PAUSE AND U' on September 21.
(Credit= 'dlwlrma' Instagram, '_IUofficial' Twitter)
(SBS Star)