Then on June 30, BAEKHYUN finally stumbled upon IU's 'UN Village' cover on Twitter. Upon watching the video, BAEKHYUN tweeted, "Soo-ya! Soo sang my song!", referring to IU's role 'Hae Soo' in 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo'. BAEKHYUN and IU both starred in SBS' 2016 hit drama 'Moon Lover: Scarlet Heart Ryeo' as the 10th prince 'Wang Eun' and 'Hae Soo'.
Although Wang Eun and Hae Soo did not end up as lovers, viewers had been loving the two characters' adorable chemistry in the drama. (Credit= 'B_hundred_Hyun' Twitter, 'EDAM Entertainment' YouTube, SBS)