On September 16, SDA Entertainment shared a new video of their child actor Go Kwan-woo on their official Instagram, with a caption that says, "Actor Park Bo Gum, taking good care of our Kwan-woo at the filming site. Thank you."
In the video, the child actor and Park Bo Gum are brightly smiling for the camera.
Park Bo Gum then gives a sweet kiss on the child actor's cheek, melting his fans hearts with the sweetest gesture.
Fans commented, "I wish I were the child actor.", "This video seriously made my day. So heartwarming and lovely.", "Both of them are so cute.", and more.
Both Go Kwan-woo and Park Bo Gum are currently starring in tvN's ongoing pre-filmed drama 'Record of Youth'.
(Credit= 'joo_ent' Instagram, tvN Record of Youth)
(SBS Star)