Lee Seung Gi Shares Why He Felt Unhappy After Debut Although He Gained Fame Right Away

By  Lee Narin  | Oct 27, 2020

Lee Seung Gi Shares Why He Felt Unhappy After Debut Although He Gained Fame Right Away
Singer Lee Seung Gi shared that he felt unhappy after his debut even though he rose to stardom right away.

On October 25 episode of SBS' television show 'Master in the House', Lee Seung Gi looked back on his life.
Lee Seung GiLee Seung Gi said, "As you know, my debut track did really well. That song shoot me up to having celebrity status pretty much straight away."

He continued, "But the thing was, I wasn't happy at all. I was constantly feeling nervous and under a lot of pressure. I had the lowest self-esteem then as well."

He carried on, "I even thought to myself, 'How is it possible to be this unhappy every day?' I felt as if I had a massive rock sitting on my chest."
Lee Seung GiThen, Lee Seung Gi said that he became happier after starting his military service.

Lee Seung Gi said, "I felt truly happy in the military, because all my worries were like, 'When am I eating next?', 'Am I going to be able to take a day-off on this day?' and things like this. They were simple."

He resumed, "I can probably say that I'm in the happiest phase of my life now. I used to think the most important thing for me was to succeed as celebrity Lee Seung Gi. So, I intentionally hurt the feelings of myself as well as others."

He added, "I'm emotionally more stable at the moment. I used to ignore my feelings a lot, but I'm able to listen to my true feelings now."

Lee Seung Gi made debut with a mega-hit song 'Because You Are My Woman' in June 2004.

(Credit= SBS Master in the House)

(SBS Star)