Recently, photos alleged to be NANCY changing outfits have been posted online.
The photos were allegedly taken when NANCY was hosting the '2019 Asia Artists Awards' that took place in Vietnam.

MLD Entertainment's full statement reads as follows:
Recently, photoshopped hidden camera photographs of NANCY are being spread online.
NANCY is a victim of a photo that was taken in secret and then illegally manipulated.
The person to be protected is no other than NANCY. We ask for your cooperation.
We will be taking strong legal action against the person who took the photo, the original spreader, as well as everyone who spreads the photo.
We will also be going through our legal steps to file suits for sexual harassment as well as the spread of illicit photos.
NANCY is currently suffering from a great amount of mental distress.
We hope there will be no more malicious posts related to our artist.

(Credit= MLD Entertainment)
(SBS Star)