On February 18, non-governmental organization ChildFund Korea revealed that J-HOPE donated 150 million won.
The organization shared that the donation will be used to support children who have vision and hearing disabilities.
J-HOPE explained why he decided to make donation, "I heard that the number of families in vulnerable situations is significantly increasing due to the prolonged COVID-19 crisis, and support for disabled children is urgently needed."
He continued, "I honestly hope this donation will further expand interest in supporting children with disabilities within the society."

Last year, he donated 100 million won (approximately 90,000 dollars) in order to help children from low-income families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
He also donated 150 million won and 100 million won to ChildFund Korea in 2018 and 2019, respectively.
Back in February 2019, J-HOPE was named a member of ChildFund Korea's Green Noble Club for Children, which is a group consisting of people who have made notable donations to the organization.

He resumed, "His good influence is leading to increased inquiries in donations by both Korean and non-Korean fans."
He added, "We will do our best to support children from low-income families in accordance with the wishes of our donors, including J-HOPE."

(Credit= Big Hit Entertainment)
(SBS Star)