On December 6, REI shared that her role model was JOY, and wanted to be like her through the group's Twitter.
Then on December 8, JOY updated her Instagram feed with a new post.
In the post, there were photos of JOY posing inside the headquarters of SBS' headquarters in Mokdong, Seoul.
It looked like they were her photos that she took after she wrapped up filming in the building on that day.
Under the post, JOY wrote, "I had no idea that my mind was this colorful."

The first photo was IVE's debut album 'ELEVEN' with a handwritten message from REI.
It said, "Dear much-respected JOY. Hi, sunbae-nim. I'm REI of IVE. I dreamed of becoming a K-pop star while watching you perform."
REI continued to say, "I will become an awesome singer like you, who spread happiness to the world. Please keep an eye on me. From REI."

Over this photo, JOY wrote, "REI is an angel. She is so cute. Keep it up!"
It turned out that the caption JOY wrote for her post was REI's part from the group's title track 'ELEVEN'.
Like this, REI became the luckiest JOY fan in the world.

(SBS Star)