Kim Jong-kook Hushes Doping Suspicions by Revealing Test Procedures on Camera

Dec 17, 2021

Kim Jong-kook Hushes Doping Suspicions by Revealing Test Procedures on Camera
Singer Kim Jong-kook revealed his doping test results on camera, clearing all suspicions of using steroids.

On December 16, Kim Jong-kook shared a new video on his YouTube channel, titled, 'Doping Test Results & Update on the Legal Action'.
Kim Jong-kookIn the video, Kim Jong-kook revealed the doping test procedures conducted by the Korean branch of SMRTL (Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory), an institution that was officially approved by the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency).

The test results clearly revealed that Kim Jong-kook received no external steroids.
Kim Jong-kookAfter revealing the whole process, Kim Jong-kook remarked, "To be honest, It was a long, painful time for me."

The singer did not mention the Canadian YouTuber who initially raised his doping suspicion, but said, "He said, 'After looking through more books, it seems I was wrong. I'm sorry.' As the person who went through all the tests, I felt this was all in vain. But I think the test was a good wrap-up for those who believed in me."

He added, "I tested negative. Is there more things that need to be said? I think I showed clear evidence that I didn't do anything."
Kim Jong-kookLastly, Kim Jong-kook said, "When you criticize or claim something about other races, I hope you to do more research and studying because Westerners are not the standard for all races. I hope this works as an opportunity to remind that there are differences (between races)."

He also shared that he decided not to take legal actions, but rather to donate the amount of money that he thought of using for legal action (30 million won) for those in need.

(Credit= 'GYM JONG KOOK' YouTube)

(SBS Star)