During the recent recording of Channel S' television show 'Attack on Grandma' (literal title), Go Eun-ah shared one shocking story about her celebrity friend.
Go Eun-ah said, "I made debut at the age of 17, and I'm now 35. But I have no celebrity friends now. I used to have one celebrity friend, and she was the only celebrity friend that I've ever had."
The actress continued, "This was some time ago. So, I was at home alone, and I happened to fall, and my toenail fell off. She came to my place to help me then. An ambulance came soon after her arrival, and I quickly headed to the emergency room."

"She said she didn't know, and also tried to put the guilt on me when I wasn't even there. Following that incident, I just couldn't make any more celebrity friends. I didn't want to get involved with her in any ways, and I felt like I would if I had made new friends in this industry.", she added.

Go Eun-ah answered, "Yeah. Thankfully, I've never bumped into her after that incident. But she's still actively working in this industry. She has a very lovely public image."

(SBS Star)