On May 27, SEVENTEEN held a showcase for the group's fourth studio album 'Face the Sun' with the title track 'HOT'.
About the album, S.COUPS said, "It's been two years and eight months since we last release a studio album. It feels somewhat different and new, because it's our first comeback since we've all renewed our contract with our agency."
SEUNGKWAN shared, "We've been doing quite well on the Billboard chart since our last album. This time, we would like to hit #1 on the chart. We would really want that."

SEUNGKWAN stated, "It was actually our 7th debut anniversary yesterday. Each of us have a different goal, but we also have the same goal―going up higher as a member of SEVENTEEN. It would be great to deliver our realistic thoughts and feelings to our fans through our album, because we would've gone through a lot over those years."
DK responded, "Seven years ago, we made debut with the goal to become singers who are very much loved. A lot of fans have given us love and support for the last seven years, and I feel ever so grateful for that, as I've never imagined receiving that much love and support. So, I would like to continue returning what we received with our unique music and performance."
JUN said, "I think it would be amazing if we were still together as the same 13-member group on our 14th debut anniversary. I believe that itself would also go down in K-pop history. We'll become a historic icon in the K-pop industry."

All 13 members renewed their contract with PLEDIS Entertainment.
(Credit= Baik Seung-chul/SBS Entertainment News)
(SBS Star)