Kang Ji Young Tells How Much She Missed the Members of KARA After Leaving the Group

By  Lee Narin  | Jul 26, 2022

Kang Ji Young Tells How Much She Missed the Members of KARA After Leaving the Group
Kang Ji Young, formerly of K-pop girl group KARA, shared how much she missed the group members following her departure from the group. 

On July 25 episode of MBN's television show 'A Vacation in Hotel Suites' (literal translation), Kang Ji Young and another former member of KARA Nicole made a guest appearance. 

While they were having a barbecue with the hosts outside their accommodation, Kang Ji Young and Nicole were asked how they feel when looking at each other now that Kang Ji Young has become an actress and Nicole a solo artist, both working by themselves. 

Nicole answered, "I feel like Ji Young became much more mature after she started acting and working alone. She's really careful with what she does, not just in terms of work, but even in her daily life." 

She continued, "It's not like she got rid of all her little-sister-like traits, but she's certainly far less playful, and she takes every action carefully. She's become calm and feminine." 

She went on, "I think it's because she does everything by herself now. That's what made her mature, I believe. I also feel like I see many different charms of Ji Young when I see her act." 
KARAKARAKang Ji Young smiled and gave her response to the question, "Nicole has always been the same type of person. I mean this in a good way. She makes me feel peaceful and comfortable in a way that I don't get from being with anybody else." 

She resumed, "When you are part of the group, you will spend most of your time with your fellow members. You'll spend more time with them than your own family. So, you learn a lot and get to know one another really well during those times."

She added, "After leaving KARA, I missed the members so much, as I was constantly by myself." 
KARAKang Ji Young joined KARA in July 2008, and left the group to turn to acting in April 2014. 

Recently, Nicole revealed that KARA members are planning on releasing new music together this year. 

(Credit= DSP Media, MBN A Vacation in Hotel Suites) 

(SBS Star)