'Running Man' Members Think Jeon So Min Is Dating One of the Staff

By  Lee Narin  | Jul 26, 2022

'Running Man' Members Think Jeon So Min Is Dating One of the Staff
The members of 'Running Man' are wondering whether actress Jeon So Min is in a relationship with one of the show's staff. 

On July 24 episode of SBS' television show 'Running Man', the members turned into characters from a Korean folk tale.

After they arrived on site, they all changed to an outfit that a servant from the past used to wear. 

Once the shooting began, Yu Jae Seok said, "The weird thing is, So Min called me yesterday and was like, 'Oppa, we're going to be wearing an outfit of a servant tomorrow." 

He looked towards the production team and added, "Seriously, who is telling her all the information beforehand?" 
Running ManAs soon as Song Ji-hyo heard this, she commented in a loud voice, "Yeah, you know what? She knows about product placement too!" 

HAHA also stated, "Some minutes ago, I was saying how hungry I felt, and So Min said to me, 'Oppa, I heard that there will be burgers as part of product placement today.'" 

Song Ji-hyo added, "Ah yes, so she told us not to eat anything, because we'll have to have burgers later." 

Jeon So Min laughed hard and explained, "The reason why I said that was, I wanted to make sure we eat our products happily so that the advertising company is satisfied by it." 
Running ManIn response to this, the 'Running Man' main producer asked Jeon So Min, "Who did you hear all these from?", which Jeon So Min did not give an answer to. 

So, he looked at the members of 'Running Man' and said, "I'll give you 1 million 'Running Man' won if any of you find out who she managed to hear those details from." 

Then, HAHA declared, "This member of staff wouldn't have told her this much information unless he is going out with So Min, and is in love with her! It has to be her boyfriend!" 

Yang Se Chan said in an annoyed tone of voice, "Isn't this cheating?", making Jeon So Min laugh with an awkward smile. 
Running Man(Credit= SBS Running Man) 

(SBS Star)