On August 21, Nam Tae Hyun took to his personal Instagram and explained about the situation.

He added, "I sincerely apologize for giving concerns to so many people due to a personal matter."
His Instagram post came after his girlfriend Seo Min Jae, who was a cast member of a popular dating show 'Heart Signal 3', uploaded a selfie of herself with Nam Tae Hyun.
Along with the photo, Seo Min Jae wrote, "Nam Tae Hyun does philopon (methamphetamine). I have the needle he used either in my room or in my office cabinet. He also hits me. Nam Tae Hyun and I are drug addicts."

She added, "I uploaded a post that was unrelated to the truth, and I'm currently in the hospital receiving treatments as I also hurt myself by mistake."
Meanwhile, Seoul Yongsan Police Station announced on August 21 that they had begun investigating the allegations.
(Credit= 'souththth' 'seominjae_71' Instagram)
(SBS Star)