Lee Young-ae Offers Financial Help to a Russian Family Who Lost Their Daughter From Itaewon Tragedy

By  유지원 에디터  | Nov 3, 2022

Lee Young-ae
Actress Lee Young-ae stepped up to help the family of a Russian victim who died in the Halloween crowd crush in Itaewon last weekend.

According to the Korea Foundation for Persons with Disabilities on November 3, Lee Young-ae expressed her intention to help Yuliana Park's family after hearing that they could not afford to transport their daughter's body back to Russia.
이태원 사고현장Yuliana Park is one of the four Russian victims from the horrific crowd crush occurred on October 29 in Itaewon-dong, Seoul.

The 25-year-old victim was reportedly a fourth-generation Goryeo-in, which refers to ethnic Koreans living in Central Asia and Russia.

Yuliana's family is planning to hold her funeral in her hometown in Vladivostok, but around 5,000 U.S. dollars was needed to repatriate her body from South Korea to Russia.
Lee Young-aeAfter hearing that her family struggles to collect such money, Lee Young-ae, who is currently serving as the advisory chairperson of the foundation, reached out and offered a full financial help to the family.

The Russian Embassy in Korea also said it will help issue the required documents as soon as possible, and will arrange the repatriation process with the related agency directly.

With the help of the actress, Yuliana's body is scheduled to be transported back to her home country on November 4.
이태원 거리를 메운 추모의 마음 (사진=연합뉴스)Meanwhile, South Korean government announced that 20 million won (approximately 14,000 dollars) will be provided in relief money to the families of non-Korean victims of the Itaewon tragedy.

If the families need funeral expenses or repatriation of the body, additional 15 million won (approximately 10,600 dollars) will be offered―the same support offered to the families of Korean victims.

A total of 156 people lost their lives in the Itaewon crowd crush, and this includes 26 foreigners from Iran (5), China (4), Russia (4), the United States (2), Japan (2), and 1 each from France, Australia, Austria, Norway, Vietnam, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Sri Lanka.

(Credit= SBS Entertainment News, Good People, Yonhap News Agency)

(SBS Star)