Last week, one fashion magazine posted a video of Ko Woorim on their YouTube channel.
In this video, Ko Woorim was seen having a 'TMI (Too Much Information) time' about himself.

He continued, "I have my own café-like area at home. There's a room at our place that I use entirely for myself, so...", then shyly smiled.
His comment grabbed the attention of many as they could get an idea of what his married life with Kim Yuna was like.

Ko Woolim said, "This morning, when I was about to cook some rice, I thought to myself, 'We may get sick of having white rice since we've been having white rice for a while now. Let's make some black rice.' So, I wanted to make some black rice, but I had no idea how much black rice I had to mix with white rice. I had no idea what the great ratio was."
He went on, "So, I Googled how to make black rice. I managed to successfully make black rice, so I had some black rice for breakfast today."
Then, he laughingly talked about failing to cook a dish, "I tried making stir-fried with thinnly-sliced pork belly and seasoned spring onion the other day, but I completely failed making the dish. It's been long since I've cooked properly, so I believe my cooking skills have left me."
Ko Woolim and Kim Yuna got married this October, and the couple began their newlywed life at an apartment complex in Heukseok-dong, Seoul, where Kim Yuna purchased and lived since 2011.
It is said that she refurbished the whole place before they moved to suit the lifestyle of the two.
(Credit= 'Harper's BAZAAR Korea' YouTube, 'yunakim' Instagram)
(SBS Star)