Back on February 13, one popular YouTuber/former reporter shared he discovered some 'facts' proving that Lee Yu Bi and JUNGKOOK were together.
According to this YouTuber, Lee Yu Bi and JUNGKOOK were together from 2021, at least until last May.
From what he heard from some insiders, he stated that they are no longer dating each other at the moment.
Despite this YouTuber being known for spreading words that are not based on facts, the video quickly circulated online.

In the comment section of her latest post, a great number of people started to leave malicious comments.
The majority of the comments seemed to express unhappiness regarding her past romance, or possible current romance, with JUNGKOOK.

Some filled the comment section with vomiting emojis, and used foul language; they aggressively insulted her appearance, career and family.
Their comments include, "Hey, old lady. Don't even think about going close to JUNGKOOK!", "Leave JUNGKOOK alone, bxxch.", "Just lead a quiet life without JUNGKOOK, alright?" and so on.

(SBS Star)