On July 5, HAHA guested on comedian Park Myung-soo's radio show.
The host Park Myung-soo asked HAHA about his recently concluded television show, ENA's 'Haha Bus'.
"HAHA, I know that you've been starring in a television show with your family.", he said.
Father of a daughter himself, Park Myung-soo wondered what it would have been like to be on a show with children.
"Shooting with your kids must have been difficult.", he told HAHA, adding, "I've heard that your daughter Ha Song became a YouTube star. How do you feel, are you happy about it?"

With the success of 'Haha Bus', the adorable family has been much loved by the public.
Ha Song was the most popular; she became a YouTube star after some clips of her cutest moments were widely shared on the platform.

"I loved doing the show with them, but it was concerning in some ways."
HAHA claims that filming a show with their children was not easy, even for a veteran entertainer like himself.
He mentioned the time when he co-starred on a show with Park Myung-soo to explain how different 'Haha Bus' felt from his previous experiences.
"Before, when we were doing a show together, all I had to do was to do my best and have fun with you.", he said to the host, "But in Haha Bus, I'm there with my kids as a parent. There were so many things to take care of. I knew it wouldn't be simple, but didn't expect it to be this difficult."

"Our kids loved it. They thought that we were going on a vacation rather than filming a show. I asked them to please play within the camera zone, but the boys were always out of it, picking their noses. Ha Song was usually the only one playing in front of the camera, and that is why she got more screen time in the show.", HAHA explained.
When Park Myung-soo asked HAHA how long will he allow the children to be on television, he said, "As long as they want it."
The two friends, now both fathers, then chatted about their children.

(SBS Star)