On September 12, Park In-je's press interview took place at one coffee shop in Jongno-gu, Seoul, where he discussed his newest project Disney+'s 'Moving', starring Zo In Sung, actor Ryu Seung Ryong and actress Han Hyo Joo.

The director started off by stating, "In Sung is incredibly good-looking. I'm pretty sure nobody will disagree with me on that. Even if he picked his nose or something, he probably would still look good."
He continued, "In the very first scene that In Sung's character appears in the series, he's a fugitive living a poor life in the countryside, hiding from a National Intelligence Service agent named 'Min'. He is seen working in the orchard. As we were filming this scene, we faced an unexpected obstacle because of his looks."
"Basically... In Sung was too handsome for a poor guy, doing rough work in the sun. It just didn't make sense that someone like that would be there. So, we made his clothes dirtier and hair really messy. We did do our best to make him look 'ugly', but there seemed to be a limit to how 'ugly' we could make him look.", then laughed.

He explained why shooting those scenes was so funny, "It was because we were seeing him without any special effects. There were no graphics ready on set. Since we worried about the outcome though, we held in our laughter as much as we could. The first couple of times, we all laughed a lot, but after that, we were dead serious each time."

(Credit= Disney Plus Korea)
(SBS Star)