"That Man Will Never Change" SEUNGRI Embroiled in a Scandal Involving Two Women

By  Cho Yunjung  | Oct 4, 2023

"That Man Will Never Change" SEUNGRI Embroiled in a Scandal Involving Two Women
SEUNGRI, formerly of K-pop boy group BIGBANG, has been embroiled in a scandal surrounding his private life.

On October 4, media outlet Dispatch reported that SEUNGRI dated two women, A and B, in Bali, Indonesia, one after another.

According to the report, SEUNGRI and A started dating on September 1.

That same day, SEUNGRI invited A to go on a trip to Bali with him from September 21 to 25, and as A said yes, he booked a hotel and plane tickets for two of them.

What A did not know, however, is that SEUNGRI had been planning two romantic Bali trips with two different women.
SEUNGRIB have known SEUNGRI for quite some time, and once shared a mutual attraction before drifting apart, according to B.

They ran into each other on September 7, for the first time in four years.

The news outlet reported that SEUNGRI had B over for dinner with himself, A, and a third buddy; that night, A and B followed each other on social media.

After that night, SEUNGRI started seeing B while was still dating A, but A and B did not know that he had been seeing both of them. 

He invited B to join him in Bali from September 25 to 28, right after his trip with A.
SEUNGRITo Dispatch, B explained, "Seeing him after years, old feelings came bubbling up."

"He offered me to go on a Bali trip with him, saying that he wants to give us another chance."

On September 25, after A left for Korea, SEUNGRI greeted B in Bali.

But A and B soon found out what SEUNGRI had been up to because they were following each other on social media and SEUNGRI took B to the exact same places he went with A.

"When B contacted me and told me everything, I was shocked. He took B to the same places he and I had gone. The hotel, the restaurant, the beach, and the coffee place… Everything was the same except for the woman he went with.", A said to Dispatch.

B left Bali on September 28 after finding out what SEUNGRI had been doing.

B said, "I got on the plane immediately after finding out he had been cheating. Then I learned he went to a club a day after I left. He has no regret. That man will never change."
SEUNGRI(Credit= SBS Entertainment News/Baik Seung-chul, 'BIGBANG' YouTube)

(SBS Star)