On October 7, Cha Eun-woo updated his Instagram with three new photos from his recent trip where he spent a fun day outside of Seoul with Yoon San-ha, JINJIN and MOON SUA.
The photos revealed that the four spent time at the beach and at a deer farm.
In the first photo, each of them held colorful heart-shaped firecrackers in their hands on the beach.
The second one was a black and white photo of them taken at a photo booth, with them cutely making hand-hearts.
The last picture was clicked by MOON SUA that showed everyone having a blast at the deer farm.
Seeing the members of ASTRO taking such good care of MOON SUA made fans' hearts warm.

Along with the cover, Yoon San-ha wrote, "I cried when I first heard this song. I felt like the song was telling me how I felt. So, I wanted to sing it. Me, my family, ASTRO members and AROHA (ASTRO's fandom), we'll all be happy. I promise."
Over the video, Yoon San-ha translated the song's lyrics into Korean himself, and while doing so, he replaced 'kitty' to 'hyung'.
He wrote, "I miss you, hyung. I can't erase you from my head.", "I wish you would show up to me even as a cat.", "If you are a cat that is abandoned, I will take you into my arms.", "If you are injured, I will treat your injury and give you as much love as I can.", "Please do show up to me even as a cat one day.", "I promise to be happy again."
The cover was released at 1:26 AM, which is 'MOON BIN time'―a reference to MOON BIN's birthday on January 26.
Back in April, MOON BIN was found dead at home by his manager. According to the police, there was no evidence of wrongdoing found.
His sudden passing shocked a great number of fans around the world; born on January 26, 1998, MOON BIN was only 25 years old.
(Credit= 'eunwo.o_c' Instagram,'ASTRO 아스트로' YouTube)
(SBS Star)