On October 26, American magazine Rolling Stone released their interview with the four members of aespa―KARINA, WINTER, GISELLE and NINGNING.
Rather than a formal interview, the interview was more like a casual conversation between aespa members and Canadian musician Grimes.
One of the questions that Grimes wanted to know from the girls was their working relationship, as she works alone; she asked them, "You guys must spend a lot of time with each other. What is it like working together?"

The aespa member said, "Even though all four of us have different personalities, I think we come together well. And we just get along well as people. We also work together greatly, because we're able to understand one another in every respect even without saying anything."
She continued, "Honestly, if you look at some other K-pop groups, they fight a lot. There are many teams that don't work well together. But we never had those issues, even from the very beginning. If a conflict arises, we always try to resolve it immediately as well. That's probably why we haven't had any issues since our debut until now."

They were unhappy that she mentioned relationships other K-pop groups had with their group members, especially in a bad way, when she could have simply talked about aespa's relationship.
Their responses were, "Does she even know what each of them is like?", "She really needs to think before she speaks...", "She could've thought that in her head, but it was wrong to let that out in an interview.", "Is she comparing aespa to other groups to make her feel better or something?", "KARINA has been my bias since her debut, but I'm so disappointed in her right now." and more.
(Credit= 'Rolling Stone' YouTube)
(SBS Star)