On December 4, Netflix Korea released a video of Song Kang, Lee Jin-wook, Lee Si Young, Go Minsi, and Jinyoung from Netflix's series 'Sweet Home' on its official YouTube channel.
In the video, the cast members played a fun game where each of them went behind the partition and wore headphones while the other members answered questions about the person with the headphones; to take off the headphones and listen to their cast mates' answers, the person had to drink a cup of a red vinegar drink.

Go Minsi, who worked with Song Kang on the set the most, said, "When I arrived on set and went to the trailer for hair and makeup, Song Kang would ask me things like, 'Don't I look like I've lost weight?', 'Don't I look extra pretty today?'."; Song Kang immediately jumped out of his chair at this comment.
He yelled, "Hey, what are you talking about? When did I say these things?"
Lee Si Young chimed in, saying that Song Kang had asked her if his biceps had gotten bigger.

After teasing Song Kang like that, the actors praised his dedication to building a muscular body for the character and how much his body had changed, putting a smile on his face.

"I'm the oldest, Lee Do Hyun is next, and Go Minsi is the youngest.", Song Kang said, to which Lee Jin-wook agreed but added that their mental age would only be a few weeks apart.

"Well, I think Song Kang is mentally a six-year-old. I feel like Go Minsi is 18, and Lee Do Hyun is 25.", she said, adding, "My child is six years old, and Song Kang feels the same."; her playful remark made the whole cast burst into laughter.
In the video, Lee Si Young also said that if Song Kang were to play another character in 'Sweet Home', 'Kim Yeong-soo', a six-year-old boy, would be a good fit, expressing her affection toward Song Kang.

(Credit= 'Netflix Korea 넷플릭스 코리아' YouTube)
(SBS Star)