Kim Jong-kook Moved Out of His Parents' House Because of His Ex-Girlfriend?

By  Lee Narin  | Dec 20, 2023

Kim Jong-kook Moved Out of His Parents' House Because of His Ex-Girlfriend?
Singer Kim Jong-kook shared why he lived with his parents until recently. 

On December 17 episode of SBS' television show 'My Little Old Boy', Kim Jong-kook met entertainer siblings Jonathan and Patricia. 

While the three spoke together, Jonathan asked Kim Jong-kook when he started living by himself. 

Kim Jong-kook answered, "It wasn't too long ago. I moved out of my parents' house after 40. I think I was 43 then." 

He began to explain why he did not move out until he was 43 years old, "When I was active as Turbo, my agency even provided me a place to live. But I chose to live in my parents' home. I just felt better at their home." 

He went into details after that, "You'll most likely to have a healthier lifestyle if you live with your parents. And you won't have to worry about every little thing in life. That's why I stayed there." 
Kim Jong-kookUpon hearing his answer, Patricia wondered if there was anything he felt uncomfortable about living with his mother. 

Kim Jong-kook replied, "No, there was nothing to feel uncomfortable about. I did everything for my mom." 

Then, Kim Jong-kook paused for a bit and said, "Actually... Maybe the fact that I couldn't take my girlfriend home...?" 

Patricia laughed and curiously asked, "In that case, did you go on more dates after you moved out of your parents' home?" 

Kim Jong-kook told her, "Well... If you live alone, you'll have more room in your heart, psychologically speaking. But yeah... I mean..."; he struggled to properly finish his sentence. 
Kim Jong-kookThe siblings threw him a fun question afterward, "What will you do if your mom asks you to move back in, but your girlfriend tells you not to?" 

Kim Jong-kook thought for a moment, then responded, "A short while ago, I stayed at my parents' place for like four days during the holidays. And... I wanted to go home. To my home. I thought I would really miss living with my parents once I started living by myself, but that was surprisingly not the case." 

His honest answer made both Jonathan and Patricia fall about laughing. 
Kim Jong-kook(Credit= SBS My Little Old Boy) 

(SBS Star)