On January 25, Shin Sae Kyeong guested on a YouTube show hosted by DEX, a YouTuber.
While chatting, DEX brought up Shin Sae Kyeong's past comment about marriage.
"Did you say in a previous interview that you wouldn't consider getting married until you had traveled around the world?", DEX asked the actress.
Shin Sae Kyeong replied, "Isn't it surprising? I can't believe that I said something like that. Why on earth did I say that? Maybe I was just too young at the time."

"So, are you officially retracting what you said?", DEX playfully asked.
Shin Sae Kyeong nodded, turned to the camera, and said, "I'm taking it back. I never said that."
As DEX excitedly exclaimed, "Yes! Shin Sae Kyeong says she's open to getting married.", the actress confirmed, stating, "Yes, I am."

Shin Sae Kyeong laughed and said, "There is a reason for it! Back then, when actresses were asked about their ideal type and named other actors, it always made big headlines. I didn't feel comfortable mentioning another actor since it's not like I can ask the person for their permission before mentioning their name. It can lead to awkward situations."
"I chose to avoid getting someone else involved with me in that way, which is why I said 'Optimus Prime' is my ideal type.", she laughed and said, "I think I did a great job preventing such situations from happening."
The actress added, "But now that I'm older, I think I could take back that comment, too."

(Credit= '일일칠 - 117' YouTube)
(SBS Star