On February 14, Cha Eun-woo guested on a YouTube show where they invited K-pop stars to read descriptions of themselves written by others online.
"'The Minister of Department of Good Looks' is Cha Eun-woo's nickname for his remarkable good looks since his school days.", Cha Eun-woo read this description aloud and said it was not true.
"I was just a student who liked playing soccer and basketball and was always busy taking other classes after school. No one called me by that nickname when I was a student.", he clarified.

Cha Eun-woo came across the section highlighting his exceptional academic performance in middle school, which said that he ranked third out of all the students in the school; the singer reflected, "Back then, I studied hard to fulfill my responsibilities as a student. Frankly, I got good grades because I took many extra classes outside school."

He asked, "Is filming this video supposed to be this embarrassing?", and added, "Even though I was doing well in everything, I used to worry about not having one thing that I was exceptionally good at. When I told my mom that, she used to tell me that doing everything well is better than anything else."

"Looking back, I think she tried to stop me from becoming arrogant. When we chat over some beer these days, she often tells me, 'It was really tough for mommy, too.'.", Cha Eun-woo said, chuckling.

(Credit= '1thek Originals - 원더케이 오리지널' YouTube)
(SBS Star)