On the February 26 episode of comedian Shin Dong-yeob's YouTube show where he drinks with guests, Jun Jong Seo appeared as a guest.
Shin Dong-yeob mentioned, "I heard you can't handle alcohol well. I found it unbelievable since you are currently in a beer commercial."
"I really haven't had much drink in my life, probably less than what this glass can hold.", Jun Jong Seo revealed, which surprised Shin Dong-yeob, known to be a big drinker.
"I'm not really into drinking. I'm not sure which drinks I would enjoy, and I don't know what it's like to be drunk.", she added.

She said she watched the show with her boyfriend and added, "When he heard that I'll be on this show, he asked how would I do it when I don't drink much."
When asked if she and Lee Chung-hyun drink during their dates, Jun Jong Seo said they rarely do: "My boyfriend used to have a glass of beer with his meal. But ever since he started dating me, he has become a person who barely drinks."

She said, "We started dating after we finished filming for the movie 'The Call'."
"On the day we wrapped up filming, he showed up in front of my house and asked me to go for a walk. We walked together, and he seemed very reluctant to leave. Strolling for quite a while and having ramyun at a convenience store became our routine. After doing this several more times, we started dating.", said Jun Jong Seo.
"I didn't think I was in love with him for the first year of our relationship. But with time, why I liked him became clearer in my mind. He makes me excited about what's to come.", the actress remarked.

(Credit= '짠한형 신동엽' YouTube, SBS Entertainment News/Baik Seung-chul, 'wjswhdtj94' Instagram)
(SBS Star)