On March 5 episode of KBS' television show 'The Return of Superman,' Moon Hee Joon and Jamjam were sitting down next to each other after dinner.
While Jamjam drew on her sketchbook, Moon Hee Joon expressed his upset feelings to Jamjam by saying, "Jamjam, why don't you answer my calls these days? You don't reply to my texts either. Do you have a boyfriend or something?"
Jamjam denied it, but Moon Hee Joon noticed her eyes trembling as if she was lying, so he asked again.
Blushing, Jamjam told him, "There is this boy that I like. His name is Won-jae. We're just friends though. He's my best friend." then after a pause, she added, "Actually, there is another boy I like."
Moon Hee Joon was taken aback at her 'shocking' reveal and commented, "What? Not one, but two boys? Oh my... What's going on..."

To this, Moon Hee Joon stated, "If you really want to become a K-pop star, you can't have a boyfriend now. You shouldn't date anyone before your debut."
He continued, "It's okay for you to be in a relationship in the future, but get married as late as you can, okay?" showing his jealousy toward Jamjam's future boyfriends and husband.
When asked if Jamjam ever wanted to get married, she shyly said, "I do. I want to marry Dad."
Her answer made Moon Hee Joon smile ear to ear; he kissed her on her cheeks in return.
Curious, he asked, "Why do you want to marry me? What do you think will be good about being married to me?"
Jamjam's response was, "I think I'll get to travel a lot. You'll take me to Sokcho," which prompted a hearty laugh from Moon Hee Joon.

It seemed almost as if Jamjam was not willing to listen to Moon Hee Joon about refraining from having a boyfriend before debut, but she in fact had taken his words as advice.
On her sketchbook, she had written, "No boyfriend until I enter the K-pop world."

(SBS Star)