"Whenever I'm..." Theater Actor Kai Shares How Precious SEVENTEEN DK Is to Him

By  Lee Narin  | Apr 17, 2024

"Whenever I'm..." Theater Actor Kai Shares How Precious SEVENTEEN DK Is to Him
Theater actor Kai, gearing up for his first solo world tour, shared that he receives lots of support from DK of K-pop boy group SEVENTEEN in whatever he does.

On April 16, Kai held a press conference to discuss his upcoming world tour "Kai Into the World," marking a historic milestone as the first-ever world tour by a theater actor.

Reflecting on his 16-year journey in the industry, Kai confessed that a world tour had always been a distant aspiration for him. 

He chuckled, recalling, "Doesn't everyone dream of becoming a global sensation during their debut days? I was no exception, lost in those grand yet vague dreams. Ever since then, a world tour has been on my mind."

He added, "I've always held onto this dream of going on a world tour, much like the legendary icons H.O.T. or SHINWHA. And now, after 16 years, that dream has finally become a reality."
KaiKaiAfter that, Kai mentioned his good friend DK, noting, "DK's no stranger to dome tours. He once mentioned that the significant number of attendees can be overwhelming, leading to the need for performances in dome stadiums to accommodate the crowd. While my journey may differ, the opportunity to embark on a world tour with musicals is an immense honor for me."

When asked about the advice he received from DK, who boasts ample experience with world tours, Kai shared, "Just the other day, DK shot me a text. He was like, 'Hyung, SEVENTEEN's holding a concert. Come to our concert!' So, I joked, "Well, you're not the only one! I'm holding one too, you know! You come to Japan to attend my concert, okay?!' He said that he won't be able to make it this time, but will definitely attend my next one."

Continuing, Kai expressed, "DK has consistently been a source of unwavering support. We even collaborated on a duet for one of my albums released two years ago. While I treated him to a Korean beef dinner as a gesture of gratitude, his promise to always lend a helping hand, simply because I'm his 'hyung,' meant the world to me. He's my precious brother." 
Kai(Credit= 'classickai' 'dk_is_dokyeom' Instagram, EMK Entertainment) 

(SBS Star)