"I Can't Live Without Her" Daniel Henney Shares His Wife Is Always on His Mind These Days

By  Lee Narin  | Jun 7, 2024

"I Can't Live Without Her" Daniel Henney Shares His Wife Is Always on His Mind These Days
Korean-American actor Daniel Henney expressed his deep affection for his wife, Japanese-American actress Ru Kumagai, to whom he has been married for eight months. 

On June 3, a fashion magazine uploaded a short video of Daniel Henney on their YouTube channel, showcasing his "Nine Heart Picks"—nine things that hold a special place in his heart.

In the video, Daniel Henney began by sharing his current favorite color, green. 

He explained, "I've been attracted to green lately, so I've been wearing it often. Maybe I'm getting old, or perhaps it's because I like golf? I don't know, but I'm really into green."
Daniel HenneyThe second thing he chose was his wife. Daniel Henney spoke warmly about her, saying, "My wife's been on my mind a lot. I honestly couldn't live without her. When I'm traveling overseas for work or anything else, she always helps with my life as a teammate. Sometimes she has to stay home."

With a big smile, he added, "She's just amazing. So, yeah. She's always on my mind."

Following this, Daniel Henney revealed that his third pick was his dogs. 

He then continued with the rest of his list, which included music, his home in Michigan, his favorite book—"Kafka on the Shore" by Murakami Haruki, his American television series "The Wheel of Time," kimchi jjigae, script-writing and spending time with the ones he loves.

Daniel Henney married Ru Kumagai in October 2023. 

He shared that their relationship began when he met her at a restaurant where she worked as a hostess. 

Captivated by her presence, he returned to the restaurant several times just to see her. 

Noticing that she always read a book behind the hostess desk, he struck up a conversation by asking about her favorite book and if she was familiar with Murakami Haruki, his favorite author.

To impress her, Daniel Henney bought all the books by Murakami Haruki and returned to the restaurant to give them to her as a gift. 

This thoughtful gesture sparked the beginning of their romance. 

Despite Ru Kumagai being 13 years younger than Daniel Henney, he has revealed that they get along exceptionally well.
Daniel Henney(Credit= 'DAZED KOREA' YouTube, 'danielhenney' 'rukumagai' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)