Jang Na-ra Describes What It Is Like to Watch Her Projects with Her Cameraman Husband

By  Cho Yunjung  | Sep 24, 2024

Jang Na-ra Describes What It Is Like to Watch Her Projects with Her Cameraman Husband
Actress Jang Na-ra talked about her newlywed life with her cameraman husband.

On September 23, Jang Na-ra had an interview with a news outlet about her recently concluded project, SBS' television series 'Good Partner'.

The actress, who married a cameraman six years younger than her in 2022, talked about what it was like playing a divorce attorney 'Cha Eun-kyung' as a newlywed.
Jang Na-raWhen asked whether filming 'Good Partner' changed her view of marriage and divorce, Jang Na-ra shared her thoughts.

"I think marriage is a challenging thing. Two people living together after, if they got married late, four decades of not living with each other? It cannot be easy. One can even be enemies with siblings they share blood with and parents who gave them birth."

"I think two people getting married is a miracle, and keeping a marriage for many years is a tremendous feat.", she continued.

"And I don't see any reason to think of divorce negatively. In the final episode of 'Good Partner', my character says this line: 'Getting married or divorced, it's a decision. Making that decision a wise one will rely on my efforts. I should try my best to take the responsibility of my decision. If it still doesn't work after attempts, I can make another decision then.'. It was very relatable."

"I'm happy, though. I couldn't be happier with my marriage.", Jang Na-ra strongly expressed, making the reporters giggle.
Jang Na-ra"He tends to talk a lot. He likes talking about daily life events. I used to be quiet, but now I talk more because he talks to me so much.", Jang Na-ra said about her husband.

The actress also shared how her husband, who works in the same industry, responded to 'Good Partner'.

"He's usually sensitive and gentle. However, he has this capital 'T' (type T on the MBTI personality test) moment towards TV series or photo sessions. We often watch TV series together, and that's when our differences show; I focus on acting, while he concentrates on how it was filmed and stuff like set design and arrangement of actors."

"My husband comments on my performance as an industry professional. He said I did very well in 'Good Partner', and I was relieved. In fact, he really wanted me to take on this project."
Jang Na-raJang Na-ra said she has not decided on her next project yet and concluded the interview by talking about her contented recent life.

"My husband and I visited his parents during Chuseok. I resumed my exercise and cleaned our house extensively. Being married has affected how I spend my free time. I don't keep rolling in my bed anymore."
Jang Na-ra(Credit= LAWON Munhwa, SBS Good Partner)

(SBS Star)