"My Self-Esteem Plummeted" Song Hye Kyo Opens Up About a Tough Time She Had

By  Cho Yunjung  | Jan 17, 2025

"My Self-Esteem Plummeted" Song Hye Kyo Opens Up About a Tough Time She Had
Actress Song Hye Kyo shared how she overcame a difficult period that affected her self-esteem.

On January 16, Kang Minkyung of K-pop duo DAVICHI posted a YouTube video featuring her close friend Song Hye Kyo.

Song Hye Kyo and Kang Minkyung went to a diner that Song Hye Kyo frequently visited and had frank conversations during their meal.

"When I look at you, you seem like someone whose path has been smooth all along.", Kang Minkyung said to Song Hye Kyo.

"I've been through a lot, actually.", Song Hye Kyo answered.

"But I tend to look on the bright side in trying circumstances. Plus, I always try to get over bad things fast.", the actress added.

"'It had already happened, and it's already passing.', that's how I usually think when facing those situations."
Song Hye KyoSong Hye Kyo shared her mother's advice, which helped her develop a strong mind.

"'Let everything go as it flows; even if things are going bad, don't try to stop it.', my mom always advised me when I was little."

"She used to tell me that when things are moving towards a certain way, there's no use in trying to change its direction.", the actress remarked.

"She told me to follow the flow. She said every event is a part of the process, that if bad things happen to me this time, good things will come later."
Song Hye Kyo"Watching you overcome whatever adversity came your way, I come to think that your self-esteem is probably really high.", Kang Minkyung told Song Hye Kyo.

After a brief pause, the actress replied, "There was a challenging time when my self-esteem plummeted."

"Back then, I carefully thought about the situation I was in. I realized my focus has been on my acquaintances, loved ones, and how others saw me. It didn't feel right."

"I decided that I'd put myself as the number one priority and forget about everything else. By setting that standard in my mind, I was able to give more love to people around me. Then, they loved me more in turn.", Song Hye Kyo shared.
Song Hye Kyo

(Credit= '걍밍경' YouTube)

(SBS Star)