On February 7, Kang Hye Won appeared as a guest on Hyeri of girl group Girl's Day's YouTube show "Hyell's Club."

Kang Hye Won said, "My character, Ye-ri, is obsessed with dieting, and it just so happened that I was at my thinnest during that time. I filmed when I was at my absolute skinniest."
Hyeri responded, "Oh, yeah. You were so thin back then. One day, I grabbed your arm, and it felt like I was grabbing a chicken bone. A literal a chicken bone!"
She went on, "Remember I used to grab your wrist and go 'snap!' all the time? It seriously felt like it could break, not even like a human bone, but like a wooden chopstick."

"The funniest part is that you ate so well. During filming, you'd be like, 'Unnie, I had gopchang the other day! You have to try their soup too. Go visit this restaurant. It's amazing!' And honestly, it really was."
Kang Hye Won laughed, saying, "I even sent you the address, didn't I? I feel so proud when people like my recommendations."
Hyeri then asked, "But you did have to hold back a lot for the role as well, right? Weren't you, like, 37 kg at the time?"
Kang Hye Won, who is listed as 163 cm in her online profile, confirmed it, shocking everyone.
(Credit= '혜리' YouTube)
(SBS Star)