On February 10, Ji Jin Hee and actor Lee Kyu-hyung guested on 'Zzan Bro', a YouTube show hosted by comedian Shin Dong-yeob.
"I have a funny story to share.", Ji Jin Hee said before recounting a big misunderstanding that started with a blood test.
"When you start middle school, one of the first things you do is get tested for your blood type. I got my result: blood type A."
"I got home and asked my parents about their blood types. My mom said B, and my dad said O; that combination can't produce a blood type A child. It meant I was not their birth child."
"The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I mean, I'm an only child. A lightbulb clicked in my head: my parents wanted a child but couldn't have one, so they adopted me.", Ji Jin Hee recalled.

"When I looked through my family photo album to find out when the adoption took place, I found a picture of my first birthday celebration. I thought, 'My parents have planned everything very carefully!', so certain that I'm not their birth child.", the actor shared, leaving everyone around in stitches.
"After much thinking, I came to think that those who had left me were not my parents. I decided not to look for my biological parents, thinking I should think of the people who raised me as my true parents and move on.", he said and added he had not brought it up to his parents.

"I received the test results; it said my blood type is B. I was like, 'WAIT, WHAT? Can blood types change?!'.", Ji Jin Hee shared with a chuckle, recalling how the reveal of his correct blood type had dispelled his long-held misunderstanding.
"Growing up, I used to look at my parents and think, 'They say you'll start looking like the ones you're living with. I can see that. It's fascinating how similar our appearances have become.'.", Ji Jin Hee added, bringing another round of big laughter in the studio.

(Credit= '짠한형 신동엽' YouTube)
(SBS Star)